JAKARTA - Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini complained about the fact that there are still many beneficiary families (KPM) who have not received social assistance (bansos) such as the Family Hope Program (PKH) and Non-Cash Food Assistance (BNPT)/Sembako Program.

Therefore, Risma asked the local government, Himbara Bank, and social assistance assistants to work harder to ensure that social assistance is accepted by residents who are included in the KPM.

This is because the distribution of social assistance such as PKH enters the final stage of distribution in October. Moreover, there are currently an additional number of residents receiving social assistance. So, the government must keep up with the times.

"There are still many KPMs that have not received assistance. The numbers are huge. In fact, the last distribution for PKH social assistance will be in October. This is injury time. If you cannot enter, you will not receive assistance," Risma said in a statement received by VOI, Sunday, September 3rd.

On that occasion, Risma also highlighted that many KPMs have not received social assistance in North Sulawesi. He admitted that he was concerned about the data that thousands of residents had not yet received the distribution of social assistance.

"This is a lot. A total of 1,600 KPM. What is this? These are poor people. One person cannot be left without getting assistance, let alone thousands," Risma shouted.

He also highlighted that there are still around 8,000 residents who have not made transactions for receiving social assistance in Bitung Regency. Among thousands of KPMs, there are still BPNT KPMs that have not been able to disburse aid funds since July 2020.

The obstacles to distributing social assistance are the undistribution of KKS, blocked accounts, double data collection, and banking procedures that are felt to be complicated. This happened to both KPM PKH and BPNT.

Therefore, Risma also requested that the local government seek to open the block so that no more residents are hindered from receiving the distribution of social assistance.

Furthermore, to ensure that KPM can immediately disburse aid funds, the Minister of Social Affairs has set a deadline for completing the distribution in the second week of October 2021.

"I ask that on the second Sunday of October, the aid has been distributed," he said.

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