JAKARTA - MS's Legal Counsel team, Muhammad Mualimin said that Komnas Perempuan had responded to complaints from victims of sexual harassment and bullying at the Central KPI Office.

After MS reported to Komnas Perempuan to ask for institutional support, Komnas Perempuan finally formed an Investigation/Fact Finding Team on Sexual Harassment and Bullying Cases at KPI.

Komnas Perempuan, said Mualimin, cooperates with neutral-independent parties (Komnas HAM-LPSK) to ensure the credibility of the investigation and the objectivity of conclusions.

"We appreciate Komnas Perempuan for accepting and empathizing with complaints from MS, victims of sexual harassment and bullying at KPI. We fully support the discourse of Komnas Perempuan forming an investigation team," she told VOI, Sunday, October 3.

Even Mualimin said that his party doubted the process and results of the internal investigation held by KPI.

"We doubt (KPI), moreover the documents are closed or not announced to the public," he said.

In addition, according to one of MS's legal team, his party will wait for the results of the ongoing legal process at the Central Jakarta Metro Police.

"We reiterate once again, how long we will take to fight for justice for the victims. We entrust the legal process to the Central Jakarta Metro Police," he said.

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