JAKARTA - The National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo inspected 3 sports arenas of the XX Papua PON to ensure that security and supervision of health protocols were running well. The National Police Chief, Sigit, wants the sporting event to run in an orderly, safe and protected manner.

The arenas reviewed in detail by the National Police Chief Sigit are tennis, football and diving. He also monitors the use of the PeduliLindung application in the arena.

"We have just checked two tennis, football and diving venues. Of course we want to know firsthand about security and secondly how to implement health protocols," said National Police Chief Sigit in a press release, Antara, Thursday, September 30.

In each of his visits, Sigit pays close attention to the security and implementation of health protocols, such as the rules for maintaining distance and the mandatory second dose of vaccine for people who come to watch.

The flow for the public to watch in the arena is that after accessing the PeduliLindung application, he said, the audience is given a bracelet that has a 'barcode' as a sign that they have been vaccinated. The bracelet must be worn while in the arena of competition.

"Especially the officials and spectators, we saw that starting from entering the arena, there was an examination related to 'thermal' (body temperature-red) and there was disinfectant. For spectators, they must wear bracelets as a sign that they have been vaccinated, explained the National Police Chief.

The BNPB Post is also ready to prepare masks if there are people who don't bring them.

In addition, Sigit asked the organizers of PON XX Papua to continue to disseminate information about the implementation of health protocols through announcements containing messages related to COVID-19 prevention broadcast through loudspeakers.

"I saw inside, I have reminded the organizers of the activity to give a message regarding the use of masks. Because the stadium has been given a sign of social distancing, of course I ask to 'announce' (announce) every time to remind the public, spectators to continue to wear masks , and keep your distance," said Sigit.

He said ongoing appeals to implement prokes would be carried out in all sports arenas. The hope is that PON XX Papua will run optimally without a spike in COVID-19 cases.

"Of course there will be an evaluation so that in the future, we hope that the match will run safely and smoothly. But on the one hand, we can really control the growth rate of COVID-19," said Sigit.

Minister of Youth and Sports Zainudin Amali, who participated in observing the three arenas of XX Papua PON together with the National Police Chief, believed that the hard work of the TNI, Polri and related parties would make the PON implementation run safely, orderly and smoothly.

"If you look at it for now, I am optimistic that tomorrow's opening will run smoothly without any problems," said Zainudin.

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