JEMBER - The Regent of Jember Hendy Siswanto hopes that the DPRD will forward the findings of Rp107 billion that cannot be accounted for in the Audit Results Report (LHP) of the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) on the 2020 Jember Regional Government Financial Report (LKPD) to law enforcement officials.

"We have conducted audit consultations with the East Java Representative BPK regarding two issues, namely funds of Rp. 31 billion related to unpaid sink funds and Rp. 107 billion of COVID-19 funds which cannot be accounted for," said Hendy after a plenary meeting at the Jember DPRD, quoted by Antara. , Thursday, September 30.

In the BPK LHP on the 2020 Jember Regional Government Financial Report, it was found that the COVID-19 unexpected aid budget of Rp107 billion could not be accounted for.

The Jember Regency Government during the reign of the Regent of Jember Faida allocated a sizeable budget for the handling of COVID-19 in 2020, reaching Rp479 billion through refocusing the unexpected expenditure budget (BTT).

In the report document on the results of the BPK examination, the total expenditure of the COVID-19 Task Force reached Rp220.5 billion, but as much as Rp107 billion without the ratification of a letter of responsibility (SPJ), so that the completeness of the SPJ for spending in handling COVID-19 was only Rp74.7 billion. .

"If the Rp107 billion issue is not resolved quickly, then the Jember Regency Government will still get a bad opinion, no matter how good the work (implementation) of the 2021 Fiscal Year APBD (implementation) I do," he said.

Based on the data, the budget of Rp107 billion includes several types of expenditure, namely honorarium expenditure, pocket money expenditure, food and drink shopping for social assistance, spending on consumables, capital expenditure (medical equipment, sinks).

Then social assistance expenditures (groceries, cash), but the presentation of the accountability report is not in accordance with government accounting standards, so it is considered irresponsible.

"It is impossible for us to trace the Rp 107 billion fund because the examination of the sink shopping job field using the 2020 unexpected expenditure (BTT) of Rp 31.5 billion, which is now also a problem, takes approximately three months," he said.

If left unchecked, he continued, the Rp107 billion fund will automatically be recorded in the balance sheet for the remaining excess use of the budget (Silpa) of the 2021 APBD, even though the money does not exist.

"To be able to remove Rp107 billion from the Jember budget balance, the matter must be submitted to law enforcement officials and those who will take over for examination," he said.

Hendy asked the Jember DPRD as representatives of the people's representatives who reported the matter to law enforcement officials as soon as possible so that the Rp107 billion COVID-19 fund would not burden the 2022 APBD balance sheet.

Meanwhile, the chairman of the Jember DPRD, Itqon Syauqi, said that this was actually clear and someone had to be responsible because every rupiah of state money had to be accounted for.

"We will immediately report this to law enforcement officials because if it is allowed to drag on, it will burden the balance sheet of the Jember APBD and at any time BPK's opinion on regional financial management cannot be unqualified (WTP)," he said.

He said the DPRD leadership would seek the opinion of the expert team before reporting it to law enforcement officials so that the steps taken were in accordance with the provisions.

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