JAKARTA - Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD considers buzzers on social media as pests of democracy. However, Mahfud does not deny that this phenomenon occurs due to democracy which is upheld in the country.

"We see (buzzer, ed) the pest of democracy as a consequence of democracy," said Mahfud in an online discussion quoted on Thursday, September 30.

Mahfud MD mentioned that during the New Order government led by President Soeharto, people certainly couldn't just talk like the buzzers did. But now, they are free to say anything, even in groups and attack certain people who voice one thing.

"Things like this are a disease. Indeed, it is a consequence of democracy," said Mahfud.

Even so, he thinks the term buzzer is often misunderstood. Mahfud said that so far there has been an insinuation of BuzzerRP for those who are said to be paid and there is also a regular buzzer. While Buzzers without Rp. behind them are people who tend to 'right'.

"BuzzerRP is actually a satire for buzzers who are paid with money. It's always said that people defend Jokowi," said the former Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court (MK).

"If we see that more of them are attacking than defending, if we see it, yes," added Mahfud.

The Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs denied reports that the government was maintaining buzzers.

According to Mahfud, this is not true considering that the government alone does not know who organized this kind of movement. So it is impossible for a buzzer to be nurtured to respond to the critical narrative that develops on social media.

"I've never seen how to maintain it, my people have never seen it and never knew who organized it. Every day there are people attacking the government. It can be seen on social media, it seems that there are a lot of people who attack," concluded Mahfud.

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