JAKARTA - The North Maluku (Malut) Regional Police (Polda) conducted an examination of a number of its members suspected of beating four teenagers in Ternate City. Those who carry out the beatings, whether they are members of the police or the public, will still be prosecuted," said Head of Public Relations of North Maluku Police Kombes Pol. Adip Rojikan in Ternate, as reported by Antara, Wednesday, September 29. four teenagers, namely Rah (18 years old), Shah (20 years old), Rus and Buai. According to him, the police immediately followed up on the incident that occurred in Ternate City on Sunday, September 26.

The case of the beating of four teenagers was triggered by an alleged beating of a police officer and has made an official report to the police. As many as four police officers who are suspected of being involved in the case of beating a number of youths at the police station have been investigated by the Propam Division of the North Maluku Police. The Regional Police have also arrested three youths who are suspected of being involved in the case of beating police officers. Likewise, four youths who are suspected of being victims of beatings by police officers have not yet been investigated because the conditions have not improved. Sanctions are in accordance with applicable regulations, both unscrupulous members of the police and youth.

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