JAKARTA - Member of Commission IX of the DPR, Rahmad Handoyo, assessed that the way the Indonesian government handled COVID-19 by imposing restrictions on community activities (PPKM) could be transmitted to other countries.
He said that because PPKM has proven to be effective in reducing COVID-19 cases in the country. Even though at that time the surge in positive cases in Indonesia due to the spread of the Delta Variant was insane.
"I think the implementation of levels 1-4 can be done worldwide, meaning that when the region uses which levels need to be closed, which are very tight, which need to be relaxed, which ones need to be opened little by little with prerequisites, this is a very positive thing. to be submitted to other countries," said Rahmad in a written statement, Tuesday, September 28.
He welcomed the steps taken by the President of the United States (US) Joe Biden who appointed President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) as one of the heads of state who was asked for input in overcoming the COVID-19 pandemic. Rahmad said cooperation between countries was needed in dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic.
"Of course I think the president welcomes how to exchange ideas and transmit knowledge that has been done in Indonesia so that it can be conveyed to America and to other countries. Because we as a nation must learn from other countries, right," he said.
According to him, when all countries in the world join hands or work together, the COVID-19 pandemic can be quickly overcome.
"Hopefully the collaboration and what has been done in Indonesia can be cloned in America, so that the cases there can immediately decrease and can be controlled," he said.
On the other hand, he regrets that there are still domestic parties who criticize the government in handling the COVID-19 pandemic.

"There are some who are against the government, thanking the government, thanking the people, they have never heard of us," said Rahmad.
He mentioned that for some time there were those who considered that the control of COVID-19 in Indonesia was changing. In fact, there are those who think that the state is unable to guarantee its people.
"Now when the people and the government work together to control COVID-19, where are they going, they are silent," he said again.
He deeply regrets when there are those who continue to criticize for the sake of a moment, for political interests to oppose the government.
"Yes, that's what they do, that's what the government and the people do, it's still considered wrong," he said.
In fact, according to him, the handling of COVID-19 in Indonesia is listed as one of the best in the world. Not a few other countries and the world health organization (WHO) appreciate the handling of COVID-19 in Indonesia.
However, he assessed that the criticism from within the country was used as the spirit of the government and the people in controlling COVID-19.
"Perhaps it has become his job to criticize the government, even though it has been appreciated by other countries, the important thing is not to slack off, not to be careless, not to be complacent, the people and the government continue to control COVID-19 and our success is transmitted to other countries so that it can be conveyed and carried out in the country." other countries," he said.
He continued, regarding the current easing, it is hoped that they can be accounted for by continuing to use health protocols. Then, there should be no excessive euphoria in responding to the decline in COVID-19 cases.
"Stay alert and grateful to Allah SWT, because it is his will that cases can go down so quickly, but stay alert to remind each other, we must use prokes, don't be negligent, don't ignore prokes, that's a condition so that cases don't rise again," he said, quoted from Antara.
Meanwhile, Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment (Marinvest) Luhut Binsar Panjaitan reported that the number of COVID-19 cases continued to improve. In fact, now the number of active cases nationwide has fallen by 92.6 percent from the peak on July 24. Luhut also reported that the national COVID-19 positivity rate has crossed the 1 percent mark.
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