5-year-old boy molested by stepmother
JAKARTA – A number of criminal events that occurred in Greater Jakarta on Monday 27 September are summarized. It started with a father's report to the PPA unit of the East Jakarta Metro Police after learning that his son was a victim of abuse allegedly committed by his stepmother.
According to reports, the 5-year-old victim had a number of injuries on his body, such as his cheeks, right and left arms, thighs and several other body parts.
BM, the victim's father, is not happy to see his son from his first marriage being abused by the woman he is currently married to. The perpetrator, YC (initials) is suspected of having assaulted AM, the victim's aunt.
According to BM, the incident occurred at his home in Munjul, Ciracas, East Jakarta. Finally, the persecution was discovered by BM on Sunday, September 26, afternoon. BM said, the incident began when the perpetrator was not happy that his food was taken by the victim.
"Because maybe my child is hungry, so he takes the food that is there. Maybe my wife doesn't take care of it," said BM to reporters, Monday, September 27.
The Head of the PPA of the East Jakarta Metro Police, Iptu Bambang, said that his party was still waiting for information from the victim of abuse and the reporter (the biological father of the victim of abuse) allegedly committed by someone closest to him.
"So it was reported that there were two people (perpetrators of molestation). Last night's report (the report) has been to Bin Ops at the staff of the PPA Reskrim unit of the East Jakarta Police," he told VOI, Monday, September 27.
Kanit ensured that his party immediately took legal proceedings against the perpetrators of violence against children.

KPAI Records 3,668 Reports Throughout 2021 Regarding Child Protection
Meanwhile, based on data from the Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI), during January - June 2021, there were 3,668 cases related to the Fulfillment of Children's Rights and Child Special Protection.
"If you look at the 3 case data, the most frequently reported cases are family clusters and alternative care, with 1,318 cases," said Jasra Putra, Head of the Supervision, Monitoring and Evaluation Division of the Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI), Monday, September 27.
Of the 1,318 detailed cases, including 235 cases related to the issue of the fulfillment of the right to support, 307 cases of child victims of problematic caregivers, 107 cases of struggle for custody and 257 cases of prohibiting children from meeting their parents.
Still in the COVID-19 pandemic situation, as many as 472 cases happened to victims such as physical violence and 492 children who were victims of sexual crimes.
Long widowed, biological father fucks his daughter
Head of Public Relations of the Bekasi City Metro Police, Kompol Erna Ruswing Andari confirmed that his party had received a report regarding a rape case carried out by a man with the initials NN against his 14-year-old son.
"Yes, it is true that we have received reports related to the case. Currently, we have asked for statements from several witnesses," he told reporters, Monday, September 27.
NN's depraved act has been going on for 6 months. However, this is the first time the victim has dared to complain to his neighbour. Until finally the residents around the house found out, NN was reported to the Bekasi City Metro Police.
According to the victim's attorney, Dadan Ramlan, the perpetrator is the victim's father and his wife has long since died. The perpetrator became a widower. The perpetrator and his son live in Rawa Lumbu, Bekasi City.
It is suspected that the perpetrator's actions were carried out because he had not had a relationship for a long time so he took it out on his first child.
"This perpetrator is actually a divorced widower. So his mother has died since the victim was in the 1st grade of elementary school, from a not very good economic position. Maybe the perpetrator vented his desire for his son," said Dadan Ramlan to reporters, Sunday, September 26, yesterday.
After receiving a report, the Bekasi City Metro Police managed to arrest NN.
"Yes, we have arrested the perpetrator. We have also not received further information from investigators," said Kompol Erna, confirmed by VOI, Monday, September 27.
Kompol Erna admitted that he had not been able to provide further information, because at this time investigators were still investigating the perpetrator's actions. Investigators are still gathering information regarding the reasons for the perpetrators of this heinous act.
Stabbing Residents in Front of the Cibubur Defense and Security Complex
From the Cibubur area, East Jakarta. The East Jakarta Metro Police Criminal Investigation Unit (Satreskrim) is still investigating the commotion that ended in the stabbing of residents right in front of the Defense and Security Complex, Shooting Field Street, RT 01/10, Ciracas Village, East Jakarta.
According to the information gathered, there were 4 people who were victims. East Jakarta Metro Police Criminal Investigation Unit Head Kompol Indra Tarigan confirmed the incident. And until now the case is still under investigation by the East Jakarta Metro Police Criminal Investigation Unit.
"After we checked the crime scene (TKP) and we gathered witnesses and looked for CCTV at the location. We are currently waiting for the complainant or victim to make a police report," Kompol Indra told VOI, Monday 27 September.
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