JAKARTA - Two seasoned musicians are united again after several years of running each other. They are Lindsey Buckingham and Mick Fleetwood.

The two of them spent decades together as a member of the Fleetwood Mac music group, before Lindsey was sacked in 2018. Despite the incident, Mick and Lindsey are still friends.

Most recently, they met again and cooked new works at the recording studio. Carl Falk, an aging producer who handled Mick Fleetwood's solo album, said there was a magical moment going on in the recording process.

"The moment that feels a bit virtual to sit down with Lindsey Buckingham and Mick Fleetwood to play the album we're working on," Falk wrote in Threads late February.

"And seeing his sincere happiness because Mick finally made his own album and offered himself to play guitar and sing in it. Can't wait to finish this album," he continued.

He also shared several media in the form of photos and videos that captured two reunited and co-worked legends.

"Mick and Lindsey are together again, really great guitar players," he said.

Mick Fleetwood released the album Blues Experience with iconic composer and ukulele player, Jake Shimabukuro. The album has been 20 years since its last album, Something Big in 2004.

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