ACEH - The Brimob member who died in a shootout with the armed criminal group (KKB) in Papua, Bharatu Muhammad Kurniadi Sutio, was buried at the Heroes Cemetery (TMP) Johar, Aceh Tamiang District, Aceh.

The funeral was held in a military ceremony with the Inspector of the Deputy Commander of the Brimob Unit of the Aceh Police, AKBP Beridiansyah.

The funeral procession for the son of Aceh Tamiang who died in a shootout with KKB in Papua Province was packed with people. Sobs colored the funeral of Brimob members who were under the Red and White flag before being buried.

Present at the funeral of AKBP Beridiansyah accompanied by the Regent of Aceh Tamiang Mursil, the Chief of Police AKBP Imam Asfali, and elements of the Aceh Tamiang Forkopimda.

"The person concerned died as a member of the nation. The person concerned has dedicated his life to the country," said AKBP Beridiansyah after the funeral procession, Monday, September 27, as reported by Antara.

Beridiansyah emphasized that the TNI and Polri will be present in the community to crush armed criminal crimes, especially in Papua Province.

"The state must not lose. The state must be present in the community to eradicate all forms of crime," said AKBP Beridiansyah.

Meanwhile, family sobs welcomed the arrival of Bharatu Muhammad Kurniadi Sutio's body at the funeral home in Johar Village, Karang Baru District, Aceh Tamiang. Aceh Tamiang Regency is about 466 kilometers from Banda Aceh City, the capital city of Aceh Province.

The brother of the deceased who was a TNI soldier, Praka Rahmad Syahputra who served at the Kostrad in Solo City, Central Java, accompanied the body to return to his hometown.

"Yes, that's Rahmad Syahputra's brother who was wearing official clothes and came home too," said Reza, the deceased's cousin.

The mother and sister of the deceased could not hold back their tears when they saw the bodies being carried by six members of the Mobile Brigade (Brimob) in black uniforms. The deceased's mother looked shocked and fainted when the body of Bharatu ANM Muhammad Kurniadi Sutio was prayed at the Jauhariah Mosque, a local village.

Regent Mursil and elements of Forkopimda Aceh Tamiang as well as members of the council joined in praying for the member of the Police who died in a shootout with the KKB in the Bintang Mountains, Papua.

Aceh Regent Tamiang Mursil expressed his condolences and asked the family to endure this test.

"God willing, the late Bharatu Muhammad Kurniadi, the son of a martyr, because he died while carrying out his noble duties from the state," said Mursil.

Zakisyah (55), the father of the deceased, said Muhammad Kurniadi was the third of four children. His brother is an Army soldier serving in Solo, Central Java.

"Ardi, the deceased's nickname, has twice served in Papua. In 2020 he served for six months and in 2021 it was only three months," said Zakisyah.

Zakirsyah said the deceased had returned to the village of Aceh Tamiang in April 2021. At that time, the deceased had just finished preparatory exercises to Papua.

"The family accepted this ordeal sincerely. The body was buried at the Heroes Cemetery (TMP) Complex in the Heroes' Village - Johar, Aceh Tamiang with a military ceremony procession," said Zakirsyah.

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