KENDARI - Muhammad Yusuf Kardawi's biological mother, Endang Yulida, dispersed hundreds of students who were demonstrating to commemorate the second anniversary of her son's death. This demonstration is called Bloody September (Blood).

Yusuf and another student, Randi, were killed during a demonstration at the Southeast Sulawesi DPRD office, on September 26, 2019 while voicing the rejection of the RKUHP and the revision of the KPK Law.

Using police loudspeakers in front of the demonstrators, Yulida said she didn't want any parents to go back to what she went through, which was the loss of a loved child.

He admitted that he was present in front of the mass of action without any intervention or direction from other parties. He said he only wanted to protect the masses of the action so that no more students died without voicing the aspirations of the people.

"I don't want any of you to get hurt, it's enough for our child to die. I beg you not to have another Yusuf, you are your mother's hope," he said while crying in front of the crowd, quoted by Antara, Monday, September 27.

In addition, Yulida thanked the masses for continuing to oversee the case of her son's death, but she wanted it not to be done violently and anarchically.

Yusuf's mother pleads for the protesters to disperse

Yulida also asked for prayers to all students to continue praying for their son, Yusuf and Randi, who died two years ago.

"Maybe with our prayers, with tears there will be justice, we are patient waiting for justice from God," he said.

He then got out of the car where he appealed to the students to disperse. Yulida came down to meet them, and even hugged some of the protesters while crying.

Due to his actions, the protesters dispersed from the intersection location in Haluoleo alan, Mokoau Village, Anduonohu District, Kendari, where hundreds of students demonstrated.

Hundreds of students from various universities demonstrated peacefully at the intersection of the four Southeast Sulawesi Regional Police Headquarters since 12.00 WITA until Yulida managed to disperse them at around 18.15 WITA.

However, after dispersing from there, the demonstrators chose to stay at the Southeast Sulawesi Governor's Office roundabout, only 400 meters from the intersection of the Southeast Sulawesi Regional Police Headquarters.

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