JAKARTA - Bawaslu member Fritz Edward Siregar said there were 4 stages of the 2020 Pilkada which were prone to money politics. The four stages are the nomination stage, campaign finance, campaign, and voting stage.

"It does not mean that there will be no violations in other stages. However, the four stages are the most vulnerable. What we predict or not will all be monitored by Bawaslu so that the practice of money politics does not occur," said Fritz quoted from the Bawaslu website, Friday, July 17.

He explained that the trends in the forms of money politics crime in the regional elections are very diverse. Among other things, the distribution of donations, either in the form of money or goods, to party cadres, successful teams, certain groups or groups.

Then, he continued, other money politics is to make donations to the community or facilities such as mosques, prayer rooms, madrasas, Islamic boarding schools, and recitation mothers to gain support and interests of political parties.

Then, said Fritz, the distribution of basic necessities directly, visited villages or house to house to get support and sympathy from the community.

On the day of the campaign, the distribution of money or goods to get sympathetic support from cadres, sympathizers and other communities has become a common thing.

"Especially now that the economic conditions of the community are difficult due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and this could be exploited by those who want to rule in the wrong way, such as money politics," said Fritz.

To minimize or even eliminate the occurrence of money politics in the 2020 regional election process, he emphasized, his staff in the regions will take maximum precautions so that the 2020 Pilkada runs cleanly without money politics.

"I make sure our ranks in the regions will take preventive measures against money politics. Because, regardless of the form and route of money politics, there are still things that are not justified. Money politics is poison in the democratic process. In addition, in handling it, both the giver and the recipient can be charged legally, "he explained.

Fritz also conveyed the aims and objectives of the Bawaslu discussion with the KPK. He said there was a discussion that led to the Bawaslu strategy and how the election vulnerability index that had been or had been produced by Bawaslu.

In addition, he said, it was also discussed the possibility of collaboration between Bawaslu and the KPK in the future related to the eradication of money politics crimes in the election process. Then the obstacles experienced by Bawaslu in enforcing the money politics crime.

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