JAKARTA - The Jakarta DPRD Deliberative Body (Bamus) has decided to hold an interpellation plenary meeting tomorrow. In the plenary meeting, the DPRD will determine whether the interpellation right of Formula E can be realized or not.

Responding to this, member of the Gerindra faction of the DKI DPRD, Syarif admitted that he was surprised. Members of the faction who rejected the interpellation considered that the determination of the plenary meeting schedule seemed rushed.

"That's really fast. It was just decided (at the Bamus meeting), the schedule is tomorrow. I asked if it's really the same as the plenary interpellation?" said Syarif when contacted on Monday, September 27.

Syarif was surprised at the determination of the plenary schedule which was decided to run tomorrow. Because, according to Syarif, there are still many DPRD agendas that are also urgent to be resolved.

Among them are discussions on the revision of regional regulations regarding the 2017-2022 medium-term development plan (RPJMD) to the revision of the Regional Regulation on RDTR.

Then, the DPRD and the DKI Provincial Government still have to discuss the 2021 APBD changes until they are ratified. After that, there is still a discussion of the General Budget Policy and the Priority of the Temporary Budget Ceiling (KUA-PPAS) for the 2022 APDB, until the ratification of the 2022 DKI APBD at the end of the year.

"Why don't the other plenary sessions bother you? There are still other regional regulation meetings that are stalled, right. The interpellation quota is really tight, what's wrong with that?" he said.

Previously, the Chairman of the DKI DPRD, Prasetyo Edi Marsudi, as well as the Chairman of the Bamus DPRD, said that the interpellation plenary meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 28, 2021, at 10:00 WIB.

"After the work plan, proposals, are all discussed, and finished. There are proposals from 2 factions, right because the statute says 15 people are enough for the interpellation, scheduled earlier, it will be approved. Tomorrow is the plenary session," said Prasetyo.

The plenary meeting that will be held tomorrow is to determine whether the DPRD will conduct an interpellation or not. Interpellation is regulated in DKI Jakarta DPRD Regulation Number 1 of 2020, specifically in Chapter VIII concerning the Implementation of the Rights of DPRD and Members of DKI DPRD.

Article 120 explains that the right of interpellation is the right of the DPRD to request information from the governor regarding regional government policies that are important and strategic and have a broad impact on the life of society and the state.

Currently, there are 33 DPRD members from the PDIP and PSI factions who have signed the proposed interpellation right. Meanwhile, if it is to be realized, the DPRD must hold a plenary meeting to ratify the interpellation.

In order for the interpellation to take place, the plenary meeting required the members present to meet a quorum of 50 percent + 1, out of a total of 106 DPRD members. However, currently the number of DPRD members is 105 people because one person died last August.

Therefore, since the interpellation proposal letter was submitted, PDIP and PSI lobbied members of other factions to attend the plenary meeting. Until now, the two factions are still reluctant to divulge which members of the council were successfully lobbied to be able to participate in conducting the interpellation.

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