JAKARTA - The meeting of the chairman of the Golkar Party, Airlangga Hartarto, with the Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo and the chairman of the PKB, Muhaimin Iskandar, became the latest political gathering. The agenda for the meeting, Friday 24 September in Klaten and Saturday 25 September in Jakarta, became a positive sign of Airlangga's efforts to establish more intense political communication.
"I think this is part of the plus-plus political relationship between Airlangga Hartarto," said Adi Prayitno, a lecturer at UIN Syarief Hidayatullah, Jakarta, contacted Saturday, September 25.
Adi saw that Airlangga had intensified political communication with various elements. This is also related to Airlangga's responsibility in handling the COVID-19 pandemic and economic recovery.
"This activity must be carried out by Airlangga as a form of political responsibility as Coordinating Minister, so he must carry out communication with various regional heads," said Adi.

Adi saw that it was important to emphasize that all this time, Airlangga's work had begun to show. However, the public also cannot close their eyes that what he has done so far has had effects and incentives which are then read as an effort to make the long road to the 2024 presidential election.
So the figures that Airlangga met, whether Ganjar, Cak Imin, Habib Lutfi or scholars in Central Java, symbolically showed that Airlangga had penetrated various important actors and figures.
Regardless of the 2024 agenda, according to Adi, Airlangga Hartarto is a fairly realistic figure to run in the 2024 presidential election, because of his position as the general chairman of the Golkar party. Moreover, Airlangga has been obliged by his cadres to run in the 2024 presidential election.
"Well, those are the two things that Airlangga is most likely to do and this is very good, meaning that while diving, drinking milk (water)," said the Executive Director of Indonesian Political Parameters.

According to Adi, the agenda for Airlangga's meeting with Cak Imin and Ganjar as well as pesantren leaders in various regions, which is now starting to be worked on, according to Adi is part of this political work.
Adi also saw that this intimacy with Muhaimin from PKB and NU was certainly a political language that Airlangga had no distance from and was even quite close to the Nahdliyin group, whose base was very large.
"Once again, politically, this does not need to be criticized because Airlangga Hartarto himself is very worthy to be a presidential candidate in 2024. He is the most realistic," said Adi
Assessment ahead of 2024
Seeing the weight of Airlangga's meeting with Ganjar and Muhaimin, according to Adi, so far there are still political processes in the context of communication and exploration. This meeting doesn't lock them in who they should partner with in the upcoming presidential election
According to Adi, both Ganjar and Cak Imin have their pluses and minuses. Even though Ganjar has good electability, at the same time he has not received the approval of PDIP. So far, PDIP seems to prefer Puan Maharani.
Meanwhile, Muhaimin with his PKB, which also represents the Nahdliyin base, has a plus point. However, its electability has not been seen in various surveys. "Well, in the midst of these complexities and pluses and minuses, as well as the figures visited by Airlangga, of course, in the end, they will realistically calculate how the design and composition of the presidential election will be in 2024," said Adi Prayitno.
Whatever Airlangga does in political activities is certainly very good. "I think Airlangga Hartarto's activities are good," said Adi.

He also saw that Airlangga had been too busy with helping the president so that his political work and political activities as Ketum Golkar were less or less visible to the public. While on the other hand have started to do it all.
“So the public must know that the general chairman of the party must come forward and must be seen. Moreover, Airlangga is very realistic to run in the presidential election later because he is the general chairman of the big parties," said Adi.
In its history, Golkar has always had a champion in the presidential election. It was only in 2019 that Golkar did not have one. So for 2024, Adi thinks it's time for Golkar to have its own champion. Is Airlangga Hartarto ready for this position?
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