Impact of Extortion at Kramat Jati Main Market, Parking Counter Officers Fired

JAKARTA - The impact of alleged illegal levies (extortion) for parking of officers at the parking counter of Kramat Jati Main Market, East Jakarta, resulted in their dismissal. The Coordinator of the Other Implementing Units (UPL) of Perumda Pasar Jaya, Fahri said, a third party managing the Kramat Jati Main Market parking lot had imposed the sanction of dismissal of the counter officer.

"An action has been taken with a direct warning and has been fired," he told reporters, Friday, September 24.

The dismissal is carried out by a third party outside Perumda Pasar Jaya, because it is the responsibility of the company concerned.

"Yes, because that's their responsibility. Because (the counter clerk) is inside them," he said.

With the dismissal of the counter officer, it is hoped that a similar incident will not happen again.

Meanwhile, regarding the absence of payment receipts to market visitors as in the video that went viral on social media, Fahri considered that this was deliberately done by the counter staff on duty at the time.

Theft of Car Rearview Mirrors in Mampang, South Jakarta Recorded by CCTV

CCTV screen capture of car mirror theft

JAKARTA - An act of stealing car mirrors was caught on CCTV surveillance cameras. The theft took place on Jalan Tegal Parang Selatan, Mampang Prapatan, South Jakarta.

In the caption of the video, it is written that the incident occurred on Friday, September 24, at around 04.00 WIB.

In the video it can be seen, there are 2 people riding a motorbike with an NMAX automatic type. One of the perpetrators in a t-shirt and shorts got off his motorbike.

The perpetrators allegedly broke the lock on the shop door fence before prying out the car's rearview mirror. The theft took less than 5 minutes. It is suspected that the perpetrator is a specialist in stealing car mirrors.

After stealing two mirror units, the perpetrator went straight to his friend's motorbike, which was on standby in front of the shop. The perpetrator stepped on the gas with the stolen goods.

When confirmed, the Mampang Prapatan Police Chief, Kompol Imam Tulus Budiono, has not yet responded to the theft.

Found Dead in His House, Herbalist: Appropriate, It's Been Two Days The Order Wasn't Taken

JAKARTA - A man's body was found lying in a rented house on Jalan Pusdiklat Depnaker, RT 16 /01, Pinang Ranti Village, Makasar District, East Jakarta.

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Makassar Police, Iptu Mochamad Zen, explained that the victim was identified as Budi Setiawan (39). Budi was found dead at around 10.00 WIB by Blue (56), a herbalist who at that time delivered herbs for Budi.

"The victim's regular herbalist delivered the regular herbal medicine to the victim, but when the victim called, there was no response from inside the rented house," he told reporters, Friday, September 24.

Blue's suspicion grew when he found that the herbal medicine order had not been taken two days ago and was lying in front of Budi's rented door.

When he peeked through the gap in the rented room, he saw that Budi's body was already pale and emitting an unpleasant odor. Then, Blue immediately reported the matter to the local residents.

"The local residents reported it to the Makassar Police. After receiving the report, we immediately went to the location. From the identification team's examination, it was estimated that the victim had been dead for about two days," he said.

From the results of the examination, the identification team did not find any signs of abuse on the bodies and statements of the victims' families. Until now the case is still being handled by the Makassar Police.

Offers to be a civil servant, the son of an old singer is suspected of deceiving up to Rp9.7 billion

Lawyers for 255 victims of CPNS acceptance fraud by children ND/ PHOTO: IST

JAKARTA – Oi and her husband, RN, were reported to Polda Metro Jaya on suspicion of fraud and embezzlement and forgery of letters. The report is registered with the number STTLP/B/4728/IX/2021/SPKT/POLDA METRO JAYA, dated September 24, 2021. It is known that Oi is the son of an old singer, ND.

"The reported initials are Oi and Raf (RN), Oi is the son of an old singer with the initials ND," said the attorney representing the 225 victims, Odie Hudianto through a statement received by VOI, Friday, September 24.

Oi and RN were accused of committing fraud under the guise of accepting Candidates for Civil Servants (PNS) in several places such as the Police, with the condition that they pay a certain amount of money.

After the victims paid, the two reported parties sent fake certificates (SK) related to the appointment of civil servants on behalf of the National Civil Service Agency (BKN).

"The method is by persuasion, luring he has a link at BKN so that all victims are asked to hand over money to Oi. After the money is handed over, Oi submits the letter of appointment and the decree issued by BKN, we check that it is invalid, there is no such decree, " he said.

"They (victims) deposit money per person starting from the smallest Rp. 25 million and the largest Rp. 150 million," explained Odie.

Odie continued, none of the 225 victims actually worked as a civil servant in the promised field. Meanwhile, the value of losses due to this fraud is estimated at Rp9.7 billion.

"The loss is IDR 9.7 billion," explained Odie.

Oi and RN are suspected of under Article 378 of the Criminal Code and/or Article 372 and/or Article 263 of the Criminal Code.

The motive for the death of TNI members was revealed in Depok

Perpetrators of the murder of TNI members in Depok/ Photo: IST

DEPOK - Depok Metro Police finally succeeded in uncovering the murder case of a man on Jalan Petombak RT04/05 Harjamukti, Cimanggis, Depok who was found dead in the bushes.

The man, known to be a member of the Indonesian Army, named Sertu Yordan Lopo, was apparently killed by the perpetrator named Ivan Victor Dethan alias Ivan (28).

Depok Metro Police Chief Kombes Imran Edwin Siregar said the perpetrator, Ivan Victor Dethan, was arrested in the Pasar Minggu area of South Jakarta on Thursday, September 23, at around 10.30 WIB.

"When arrested, a member of the Resmob Team led by the Resmob Kanit AKP Suparno, the perpetrator did not resist being arrested in the Pasar Minggu area, he was immediately taken to the Resort Police," said Imran accompanied by Dandim 0508 Depok Colonel Inf Agus Isrok Mikroj, at the Depok Police Headquarters, Friday, September 24.

Kombes Imran revealed that the stabbing carried out by the perpetrators began when the perpetrators tried to break up the fight between M and A over the noisy exhaust of the motorcycle.

"So M and A, there is a conflict over the motor noise exhaust issue, then the culprit Ivan, who is also a relative of M, helped after that, the culprit Ivan took out a penknife, directly stabbed A and injured him in the upper right thigh," said Imran.

Seeing the commotion, said Imran, a victim came who tried to intervene. However, Imran said, Lopo actually became a victim.

"Perpetrator I did not know that the victim Jordan Lopo was a member of the TNI. There was a chance that perpetrator I stabbed a penknife once in the left side of his chest and died," he added.

The victim, after being stabbed by the perpetrator's knife, tried to walk as far as 50 meters from the scene until finally lying in the bushes, and was found by residents at around 06.00 WIB.

The perpetrators are subject to Article 338 of the Criminal Code concerning murder which carries a sentence of more than 20 years.

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