JAKARTA - The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) is conducting trials of using the PeduliLindung application in schools that hold limited face-to-face learning (PTM).

Later, PeduliLindung will be used to screen students, teachers, and education staff who attend face-to-face schools. This trial was conducted with the Ministry of Health.

"We are testing a new data collection system with the PeduliLindung application. Is it possible to apply it to all schools in Indonesia individually," said the Director General of Early Childhood Education, Basic and Secondary Education (Paud Dikdasmen) of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Jumeri in a webinar discussion, Friday, September 24.

Jumeri said, the PeduliLindung application will be a solution for collecting data on the implementation of PTM in schools. Previously, Kemendikbudristek had data on the recording of COVID-19 cases through reports filled out by each head of the education unit.

Unfortunately, from the report, the government has difficulties in verifying report data from each school because there are so many of them.

Even so, Jumeri has not been able to explain the technical details of using Pedulilindungi in schools because it is still in the joint arrangement with the Ministry of Health.

Another obstacle is that not all schools have adequate internet network facilities to the ownership of electronic devices. This difficulty is experienced by many schools located in rural areas.

"I know that in rural areas, perhaps there are no devices or gadgets that allow children to use the PeduliLindung application. So this is why we are conducting trials. However, we are heading there," said Jumeri.

"Later, whether it can be integrated in PeduliLindung, the school is made into an individual, so that it represents the school community, can it or not, we will go there. We cannot convey in detail because it is in the process of being studied," he continued.

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