JAKARTA - The Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police will hold a pre-reconstruction of the alleged abuse case involving Inspector General Napoleon Bonaparte and Muhammad Kece. The pre-reconstruction was carried out for two days.

"Today and tomorrow investigators will carry out pre-reconstruction," said Director of General Crimes at the National Police Criminal Investigation Agency Brigadier General Andi Rian to VOI, Friday, September 24.

Pre-reconstruction, continued Andi, was carried out based on the results of a series of examinations of witnesses. Moreover, investigators have collated all the information. "Based on the results of the confrontation with several witnesses yesterday," he said.

Furthermore, Andi also said that after the pre-reconstruction was carried out, investigators would conduct a case title to determine the suspect. The plan is to hold the case next week.

"Maybe next week, investigators will carry out the title by looking at the results of the pre-reconnaissance," said Brigadier General Andi.

Inspector General Napoleon Bonaparte is suspected of molesting Muhammad Kece at the Criminal Investigation Department. In fact, Napoleon also smeared the suspect in the blasphemy case with human excrement.

In the series of persecutions, Napoleon took three other prisoners. One of them, LPI Commander Maman Suryadi.

This alleged assault case is currently under investigation. So, in the near future a suspect will be named.

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