CILACAP - Through his Instagram account, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) shared moments during a working visit to Cilacap, Central Java.

There are six photo uploads including videos uploaded to Jokowi's Instagram account, Thursday, September 23. Two that attracted attention were the moment when Jokowi released the hatchlings on the beach and put his socks on.

"Releasing the hatchlings on Kemiren Beach, with the children of Griya Tegalsari Village, South Cilacap," Jokowi said in his upload.

Jokowi called on the public to participate in conserving turtles, whose population is declining.

At the release of 1,500 lekang hatchlings and green hatchlings at Kemiren Beach, Cilacap, the president conveyed the importance of community participation in turtle conservation efforts.

"I hope that with this activity there is awareness, there is concern, there is participation from the community to protect and preserve turtles so that there are more turtles," Jokowi said as quoted by Antara.

President Jokowi in Cilacap, Central Java (PHOTO: Jokowi's Instagram)

Jokowi said the turtle population was declining. The massive hatchling release program in various parts of the country is expected to be able to restore the turtle population.

"The turtle hatchling release program will not only be carried out in Cilacap, but we will do it massively on all beaches throughout the country," said the President.

After releasing the hatchlings, Jokowi uploaded a moment of himself wearing socks with sandy soles. Jokowi sat on an old wooden chair on the beach.

“After releasing the hatchlings at Kemiren Beach, South Cilacap, this afternoon, I went to an old wooden bench not far from the fishing boats. I was about to put on socks, apparently the soles of my feet are still covered in sand ," said Jokowi.

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