JAKARTA - The South Sumatra Provincial Health Office noted that 14 types of comorbid or comorbid diseases were one of the factors that caused the death of COVID-19 patients in this province.

The 14 types of comorbid diseases include Hydrocephalus, HIV, Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF), Hyperthyroidism, Typhoid, COPD, Cancer, Stroke, Gastritis, Pulmonary TB, Asthma, Kidney, Heart, Diabetes Mellitus, and Hypertension.

Head of the South Sumatra Health Service, Lesty Nurainy, said that one of the factors that caused COVID-19 patients to die was due to comorbidities. Especially for those who suffer from the disease with a fairly severe status.

Because if the comorbid status is severe enough then the healing will be more complex when compared to those who are treated without any comorbidities.

"When COVID-19 patients do not have comorbidities within 14 days, most have recovered with rest and taking vitamins. But on the other hand, if they have a history of comorbidities, the treatment will be longer, especially those that are severe enough", said Lesty in Palembang, quoted by Antara, Thursday, 23 September.

According to him, based on the latest recapitulation data released on Wednesday, September 22, the total number of COVID-19 patients who died due to the 14 types of comorbidities was 1,475 people.

Each recorded for hydrocephalus, one person, HIV one person, dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) one person, hyperthyroidism one person, typhoid four people.

10 people with COPD, 22 people with cancer, 31 people with stroke, 37 people with gastritis, 44 people with pulmonary TB, 56 people with asthma, 68 people with kidney, 176 people with heart disease, 503 people with diabetes mellitus, and 620 people with hypertension.

It is known that of the 14 comorbidities, three of which include heart disease, diabetes mellitus, and hypertension, are the most common diseases in this case.

At the same time, it has also caused more COVID-19 patients to die, if accumulated there are 1,289 cases.

"Especially those who are in the age range of 55 years and over, in the recapitulation data it was recorded that at that age there were 1,473 deaths from COVID-19", she said.

Meanwhile, along with the improvement in the conditions for the spread of COVID-19 during the implementation of the Policy for the Enforcement of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM), the number of deaths from COVID-19 patients decreased significantly.

As of the last two days, the number of cases of death of COVID-19 patients from 17 regencies of the city was only four cases, namely three patients from Palembang City and one person from Lubuk Linggau.

This number is certainly very different when compared to the recapitulation of last August before PPKM per day there were 500-800 people died per day.

"The improvement in the spread of COVID-19 cases in all regencies and cities has an impact on reducing the number of deaths. From hundreds of people per day to less than 10 cases per day", he said.

He emphasized that although conditions had improved, it did not mean that COVID-19 was no longer there, so it was hoped that the community would still comply with the 3M health protocol (using masks, washing hands with running water with soap, and avoiding crowds).

It is also important to maintain a clean environment, maintain a healthy body by exercising regularly, taking vitamins, and getting enough rest so that the immune system is maintained and avoids the transmission of COVID-19.

"Including those who have not been vaccinated against COVID-19, immediately register at the nearest health service, so that the body is completely protected from COVID-19", he said.

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