JAKARTA - Next month, October 2021, Jalan Margonda Depok will implement the Odd Even policy to limit the mobility of the number of vehicles passing by.

The Head of Traffic at the Depok Metro Police, AKBP Andi M Indra Waspada, explained the Odd Even policy to reduce the number of vehicles in Margonda. But it is not an easy matter to realize it.

"The plan is next month, October 2021. However, before that we need to carry out several stages such as coordination, surveys, and socialization," Andi said as quoted from the Depok City Government's official website, Wednesday, September 22 yesterday.

The Depok Metro Police will synergize with the Depok City Transportation Service (Dishub). This includes the Jabodetabek Transportation Management Agency (BPTJ).

"Because Depok City also has a national road, we will write to coordinate with BPTJ so that a decision is made," he said.

Depok Police and Dishub have reviewed a number of points. The review is a form of survey to the points where the Gage trial will be held.

“First, we conducted a site survey. Starting from Jalan Raya Kartini to Jalan Komjen Pol M Jasin, Cimanggis District," he added.

Furthermore, he said, his party also discussed several points. Such as the number of personnel on standby, traffic signs, turning points for vehicles unable to pass, and so on.

“All stakeholders must understand which points will be applied by Gage. How many personnel, what signs are installed, alternative routes for turning the vehicle around, and what to do," he explained.

In addition, he added, the local community and business actors also need to know if their area will be implemented by Gage. To that end, his party will hold outreach to the community through RT-RW, kelurahan and sub-districts.

“We will conduct socialization to several representatives, with the hope that it will be conveyed to the wider community. There should be no misinformation," he concluded.

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