JAKARTA - PT Bank PAN Indonesia (Panin) Tbk's attorney, Samsul Huda, has denied the allegation of negotiating a reduction in tax obligations by the taxpayer's attorney, Veronika Lindawati.

He conveyed this in response to the indictment trial of former officials of the Directorate General of Taxes at the Ministry of Finance, Angin Prayitno Aji and Dadan Ramdani, which was held at the Jakarta Corruption Court on Wednesday, September 22.

"Bank Panin assesses that the findings of the audit team are not in accordance with the actual facts and data. Bank Panin confirms that there is no shortage of payment of tax obligations in the 2016 Fiscal Year," said Samsul in a written statement quoted on Thursday, September 23.

"Sister Veronika Lindawati as the tax payer's attorney has never negotiated a reduction in tax obligations but questioned the validity of the findings to the DGT audit team," he added.

Samsul said Bank Panin, which is a banking business entity, has so far been obedient to the rules and transparent in managing public funds. Moreover, they are supervised by Bank Indonesia (BI), the Financial Services Authority (OJK), the Ministry of Finance, independent auditors, and the public as customers or shareholders.

On the indictment, Bank Panin expressed its objections and submitted real data on the Bank's taxes, as well as questioned the rationality and legality of the tax findings.

"Bank Panin has also filed an appeal to the Tax Court," said Samsul.

He also ensures that PT Bank Panin's tax calculation has been carried out correctly and according to the rules and is accompanied by a credible institution.

Furthermore, Samsul also ensured that Veronika Lindawati never gave gifts or promises to officials of the Directorate General of Taxes. "We also confirm that Mr. Mu'min Ali Gunawan, who is known as the owner of Bank Panin, is completely unaware of this tax issue," he said.

"All Panin Bank policies, including tax matters, are decided by the Board of Directors, including tax objections and appeals to the Tax Court in accordance with applicable regulations," added Samsul.

As previously reported, Angin Prayitno and Dadan Ramdani were charged with accepting bribes of Rp. 15 billion and S$4 million from several parties. The bribe was related to the tax administration of 3 companies.

"Those who commit and participate in committing several acts that must be considered as independent acts so that they constitute several crimes, receive gifts or promises, namely receiving money in total of Rp. 15,000,000,000 and SGD 4,000,000 (4 million)," said the KPK Prosecutor, Destiny Suhan in trial at the Corruption Court, Jakarta, Wednesday, September 22.

If converted, 4 million Singapore dollars is equivalent to Rp42 billion. Thus, the total bribes received by the two defendants reached Rp57 billion.

In the indictment, the bribe givers came from three companies. Where, the donors included Veronika Lindawati as the proxy of PT Bank Panin, Agus Susetyo as a tax consultant for PT Jhonlin Baratama.

Then, Ryan Ahmad Ronas and Aulia Imran Magribi as tax consultants from PT Gunung Madu Plantations.

In addition, the prosecutor also said that the bribes were given from January 2018 to September 2019.

The bribe was intended for Angin Prasetyo Aji, who at that time served as Director of Audit and Collection at the Directorate General of Taxes, and Dadan Ramdani, former Head of Sub-Head of Cooperation and Audit Support of the Directorate General of Taxes, in order to manipulate the tax calculations of the three companies.

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