JAKARTA - The government and the DPR have agreed that general elections (elections) and regional head elections (Pilkada) will be held simultaneously in 2024. That way, there will be vacancies for regional leaders in a number of provinces in 2022 and 2023 because their terms of office run out.
To fill this leadership vacancy, President Jokowi will appoint state civil servants as acting governors in 24 provinces. The candidate for acting governor will be proposed by the Minister of Home Affairs, Tito Karnavian.
This is quoted from Article 201 paragraph (9) of Law Number 10 of 2016 concerning Regional Elections.
"To fill the vacant positions of Governor and Deputy Governor, Regent and Deputy Regent, as well as Mayor and Deputy Mayor whose term of office ends in 2022 as referred to in paragraph (3) and whose term of office ends in 2023 as referred to in paragraph (5), acting Governor, acting Regent, and acting Mayor until the election of the Governor and Deputy Governor, Regent and Deputy Regent, as well as Mayor and Deputy Mayor through national simultaneous elections in 2024."
The acting governors are elected from ASN who hold high leadership positions or equivalent to echelon I.
Referring to the explanation section 201 paragraph (9) of the Pilkada Law, the acting governors have a one-year term of office. The term of office of Pj. Governor can be extended for another year.
In Article 7 paragraph (2) letter q of the Regional Head Election Law, the acting governor is assigned to focus on temporarily leading the region. They are prohibited from carrying out political maneuvers, such as preparing to run for the next regional head election.
The following is a list of provinces whose regional leadership will expire.
Bangka Belitung
DKI Jakarta
West Sulawesi
West Papua
2023North Sumatra
South Sumatra
West Java
Central Java
East Java
West Nusa Tenggara
East Nusa Tenggara
West Kalimantan
East Kalimantan
South Sulawesi
Southeast Sulawesi
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