MEDAN - Medan Mayor Bobby NasutioN reminded the 12 directors of Regional Owned Enterprises (BUMD) to avoid corruption and carry out their mandate in advancing the three Regional Public Companies (Perumda).

"I remind you to stay away from, and avoid acts of corruption and extortion (illegal levies). Carry out the mandate well. Don't be corrupt and extortionate," said Bobby after inaugurating 12 BUMD directors at three Perumda in Medan, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, September 22.

Bobby Nasution also hopes that all newly inaugurated directors will show their best ability to develop and advance each of the Medan City Government Perumda.

In addition, Bobby Nasution asked the 12 new directors to be able to carry out their duties and responsibilities as well as possible, so as to bring progress to all Perumda in this area.

This is because, according to the mayor of Medan, the three Perumda owned by the Medan City Government should become one of the sources of Regional Original Income (PAD) in supporting regional development.

"We both know that sometimes Perumda is not able to become a source of income for the region, because many do not carry out their duties and functions according to the provisions. Therefore, I ask that these bad habits must be eliminated," said Bobby Nasution.

Therefore, Bobby Nasution emphasized that the pledge that had been made by the board of directors must be able to be applied in the field, because in writing and on paper all directors have shown their feasibility.

"The most important thing is to be able to develop and run the wheels of Perumda as well as possible, so as to generate profits. Creativity and innovation are needed for the development of Perumda," said the Mayor of Medan.

A total of 12 directors of the three BUMDs have just been appointed, namely Perumda Pasar with President Director Suwarno, Director of Operations Ismail Pardede, Director of Financial Administration Fernando H Napitupulu, and Director of Development and Human Resources Imam Abdul Hadi.

Then, Perumda Pembangunan the positions of President Director Gerald Patogi Siahaan, Director of Operations Ahmad Yasir Lubis, Director of General and Finance Bambang Hendarto, and Director of Development Syafrizal Lubis.

Furthermore, Perumda Slaughterhouse with President Director Harisandi Syafri Harahap, Operations Director Boy Miharza, General and Finance Director Jansen Sihaloho, and Development Director Rudi.

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