ACEH - The people of Aceh Besar District, Aceh Province are enthusiastic about participating in the COVID-19 vaccine vaccination to create immunity against the corona virus.

The COVID-19 vaccination was centered in Meunasah Gampong Lamneuheun, Kuta Baro District, Aceh Besar District, Wednesday, September 22.

Kuta Baro Sub-district Head Yuslizar said the COVID-19 vaccine vaccination program in Kuta Baro District was starting from village to village.

"We carried out this village-to-village vaccination program for almost a week after President Joko Widodo's visit some time ago," he said as quoted by Antara.

According to Yuslizar, the people who participated in the vaccination looked enthusiastic. Vaccination locations that are held almost every day are always crowded with people.

"We appreciate the people who are so enthusiastic about participating in this vaccination program. This is a joint effort to break the chain of transmission and spread of COVID-19," he said.

Yuslizar said that in Kuta Baro District there are 47 villages or gampongs. The COVID-19 vaccine vaccination program will be rotated every day in one village, so that the acceleration of the target for vaccine recipients in Aceh Besar can be achieved. Keuchik (village head) Lamneuheun, Kuta Baro District, Makrum admitted that he did not expect the enthusiasm of the community to participate in the COVID-19 vaccine vaccination.

"Initially, only 50 people registered through the hamlet head from the 450 inhabitants of Lamneuheun Village. However, more than those who registered were vaccinated," he said.

He said the people who participated in the vaccination were not only from the local gampong, but also from neighboring villages. Vaccination is not only followed by parents, but also students.

According to him, the public's enthusiasm for vaccination cannot be separated from the role of all parties who continue to socialize the importance of the body's immortality against COVID-19 through vaccines.

"Likewise, until now, we have not received any people who are sick after being injected with the COVID-19 vaccine. Vaccination is our support for the village community to make the government's efforts to deal with COVID-19 successful," said Makrum.

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