JEPARA - The government of Jepara Regency, Central Java, took decisive steps by stopping face-to-face learning at all levels of education from PAUD, SD and SMP, following the outbreak of the COVID-19 cluster in Madrasah Tsanawiyah in Pecangaan District.

"For the time being, face-to-face learning has been suspended, pending the results of the evaluation. We cannot confirm when face-to-face learning will be allowed again," said Jepara Regent Dian Kristiandi on the sidelines of a visit at MTs Al Muttaqin Rengging Village, Pecangaan District, Jepara, as reported by Antara, Wednesday, September 22.

He said the decision applies to all levels of education in Jepara Regency so that the case does not spread.

With the findings of cases of 25 students and three teachers who were positive for COVID-19, it is hoped that the public will be aware of the importance of complying with health protocols, starting from wearing masks, washing hands with soap, maintaining distance, and avoiding crowds.

Face-to-face learning is allowed, he said, in accordance with the provisions in the implementation of PPKM level 2. Meanwhile, the case must be a lesson for parents to be more serious in reminding their sons and daughters to comply with the health program. Meanwhile, the Head of the Jepara Education, Youth and Sports Agency (Disdikpora), Agus Tri Harjono is ready to follow up on any decision of the Regent of Jepara in order to secure the City of Jepara so that the case does not spike again.

"Soon, we will coordinate with all relevant parties to discuss the closure of face-to-face learning in all schools," he said.

Of course, he said, the decision was also in order to maintain a conducive regional situation, although so far there have been no findings of COVID-19 cases in elementary and junior high schools under the auspices of Disdikpora, "he said.

Later, all schools in Jepara Regency will also be given a notification letter regarding the decision to stop face-to-face learning while waiting for the results of a thorough evaluation of all schools in terms of implementing health protocols.

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