JAKARTA - The Acting Chairperson of the Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI), Giring Ganesha, has not received support for the Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan.

Giring has even drawn criticism from several politicians. Even Giring's statement is not objective and full of hatred.

Giring is even considered unable to forget and does not accept the governor candidate he supports, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama alias Ahok, losing to Anies Baswedan in the DKI Jakarta gubernatorial election some time ago. Esa Unggul University, M. Jamiluddin Ritonga to VOI, Wednesday, September 22.

Therefore, according to him, knowingly or not, Giring attacked Anies using feelings, not ratios. "Giring's assessment is naturally more emotional, without being supported by adequate data," he said. Impressed, he is still like a junior politician who is just looking for a stage and sensation. Jamiluddin reminded that Giring's statement will backfire on himself. Because, people will judge the quality of Giring is still below the standard. In fact, during this time, Giring has spread many billboards who want to run for president.

"So, Giring has made a blunder both for himself and his party. This is certainly detrimental for PSI to face the 2024 election," he said.

Previously, Giring Ganesha said he was not willing if Anies Baswedan became president in 2024. Giring even called the governor a liar.

"Pretending to care is Governor Anies' lie in the midst of a pandemic and people's suffering. Don't let Indonesia fall into the hands of liars, don't let Indonesia fall into the hands of Anies Baswedan," said Giring, Monday, September 20.

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