JAKARTA - Vice President Ma'ruf Amin said the government is preparing to build two halal industrial areas (KIH) in West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Province.

"We are preparing to develop two KIHs in West Nusa Tenggara," said Vice President Ma'ruf at the opening of the 2021 Indonesia Sharia Summit via video conference, Jakarta, Antara, Wednesday, September 22.

The development of KIH is one of the government's efforts together with Bank Indonesia and the National Committee for Sharia Economics and Finance (KNEKS) to encourage sharia economic growth.

"The government has implemented various strategic initiatives in order to encourage sharia economic growth," he added.

The initiative is strengthening the halal assurance system through the determination of no tariffs for micro and small business actors (UMK) and the establishment of KIH.

To date, there have been three KIHs that have been formed integrated with industrial estates.

The three KIHs are Modern Cikande Industrial Estate in Serang, Banten, Safe n Lock Halal Industrial Park in Sidoarjo, East Java, and Bintan Inti Halal Hub in Bintan, Riau Islands.

Meanwhile, the government is also preparing for the construction of KIH in Batamindo Industrial Estate, Batam; Pulogadung Industrial Estate, Jakarta; and Surya Borneo Industrial Estate, Central Kalimantan.

"Through the establishment of KIH, it is hoped that an ecosystem of halal products will be created in one area. In addition, it is also our challenge to fill the halal industrial area and attract business actors including MSMEs to be part of the KIH ecosystem," said Vice President Ma'ruf.

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