MEDAN - The DPRD of Medan City, North Sumatra stated that about 30 percent of the revitalization of the Medan Amplas Type A Terminal has been running, but so far it does not have a Building Permit (SIMB).

"Why is the supervisory function not being carried out. Is it really not necessary to have a permit?" said member of Commission IV of the Medan City DPRD, Antonius Tumanggor, during the discussion on the 2021 APBD Amendment, in the Commission IV room of the Medan City DPRD, quoted by Antara, Monday, September 20.

However, if a building belonging to the community has the wrong picture or the wrong point, Antonius—a member of the NasDem Faction—is comparing, then he is ordered to repeat it. Even if it continues, the Civil Service Satpol will dismantle it.

His side was surprised, from the confession of the Secretary of the Medan City Investment and One Stop Integrated Service (DPMPTSP) Basyaruddin said that the revitalization of the Amplas Terminal had not issued a SIMB.

In addition, Antonius also received reports from the public that there was no SIMB sign at the terminal construction site

"That's right, sir, the DPMPTSP Service has not yet given a permit. We will discuss it with the North Sumatra Transportation Service and the Ministry of Transportation regarding the permit," he said.

The revitalization of the Medan Amplas Type A Terminal, which is a public transportation hub, economic center and public service, will be completed in 2022. This project is worth Rp. 40 billion and is a multi-year project of the Ministry of Transportation.

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