Police Examine Witness About Malang Mayor Sutiaji And Gowes Troupe 'Breakthrough' Beach Closed Due To PPKM
Malang Police Chief AKBP Raden Bagoes Wibisono/IST

MALANG - Malang Police Chief AKBP Raden Bagoes Wibisono confirmed that he was investigating the alleged violation of PPKM Level 3 regulations by Mayor Sutiaji's traveling group and Malang City Government officials. These officials allegedly forced their way into the Kondangmerak Beach area, which was still closed during the PPKM period.

"Currently, we are still investigating by collecting witness statements," Bagoes told reporters, Monday, September 20.

Later, his party will ask for information from representatives of the Malang City Government officials. Until now, the permit applied for when entering the beach has not been confirmed because it is still in the process of being investigated.

'”What is clear is that there is no permit from the police, but if they have permission to another party, I don't know yet. So until now, it can't be said whether they have obtained a permit or not. What is clear is that according to regulations, tourist attractions are not allowed to open," he explained.

Malang City Government Apologizes

The incident of the Mayor of Malang, Sutiaji and his traveling group, was previously viral on social media because the coastal area entered was still declared closed during the PPKM Level 3.

For this, Malang City Government apologized and promised to comply with the current legal procedures.

"We sincerely apologize for this incident. We will follow the existing legal process," said Malang City Secretary Erik Setyo Santoso to reporters, Monday, September 20.

According to him, there was a misunderstanding because his party had applied for a permit 2 days earlier. It's just that the signal may be constrained so that the permission message is not delivered.

“So there was a miscommunication because of the signal, and also a miscoordination between the guard officers. After yesterday's dialogue, the officers had actually been given a 60-minute transit permit. That's why we take a break and load the bike into the pickup, "explained Erik.

Therefore, the Malang City Government emphasized that there was no element of coercion to enter the beach. A number of procedures have been carried out, but it turns out to be controversial.

“Actually, we have done everything, it's just a dilemma process. Apart from that, we sincerely apologize to the management of Kondangmerak, Forkopimcam and the public regarding this incident," he concluded.

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