JAKARTA - Commission III of the House of Representatives held a fit and proper test of 11 candidates for Supreme Court justices.

However, the Chairman of Commission III of the House of Representatives, Herman Herry, said that not all candidates for Supreme Court justices were able to pass until they were brought to the plenary session. According to him, it is possible that only 6 will pass the fit and proper test.

"From the results I see, you will not be able to qualify. You can only get half of it is good. It can be half good. From 11, it can be half, for example six are good. That's from the results of the interviews we got," said Herman at the DPR building, Monday, 20 September.

The PDIP politician said that so far none of the candidates for Supreme Court justices have produced perfect results. "The current situation requires more judges who retire than those who enter," he said.

However, Herman ensures that integrity is the most important part for candidates for Supreme Court justices. This, he said, was also the focus of Commission III of the DPR.

"Most of the papers are technical, but members' assessments are about integrity. Integrity and track record. The second is a matter of understanding the duties and functions of Supreme Court justices according to their respective fields. That's what we highlight," he said.

In addition, Herman also said that Commission III targets the fit and proper test of 11 candidates for Supreme Court justices to be completed in one day.

Where the fit and proper test has been carried out since Monday morning at 09.00 WIB and is expected to be completed tonight at 23.00 WIB.

"We will conduct a marathon fit and proper test today. We will do it until 23.00 WIB. We will do a marathon fit and proper test," said Herman.

The plan is that when the fit and proper test is completed tonight, Commission III will continue the results of the decision to be brought to the Plenary Meeting to be decided in Level II decision making, Tuesday, September 21.

The following is a list of candidates for Supreme Court justices who underwent the fit and proper test.

Criminal Chamber

1. Aviantara (Region I Inspector of Supreme Court Supervisory Agency)

2. Dwiarso Budi Santiarto (Head of Supreme Court Supervisory Agency)

3. Jupriyadi (High Supervisory Judge at the Supreme Court Oversight Body)

4. Prim Haryadi (Director General of the Supreme Court General Court)

5. Subiharta (High Judge at Bandung High Court)

6. Suharto (Junior Registrar of Special Crimes at the Supreme Court)

7. Suradi (High Supervisory Judge at Supreme Court Supervisory Body)

8. Yohanes Priyana (Kupang High Court Judge)

Civil Chamber

1. Ennid Hasanuddin (Banten High Court Judge)

2. Haswandi (Junior Registrar of Special Civil Court MA)

Military Chamber

1. Brigadier General Tama Ulinta Br Tarigan (Deputy Head of the Main Military Court).

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