JAKARTA - The Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police has stated that it will use an open letter from Inspector General Napoleon Bonaparte in the investigation process of the alleged molestation case against Muhammad Kece. The open letter will be used as additional evidence (barbuk).

"It's still used instead of the examination," said the Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police, Inspector General Argo Yuwono, to reporters, Monday, September 20.

During the investigation process, at least seven witnesses were examined today. Four of the witnesses are guard officers at the Bareskrim detention center.

"So today 7 witnesses are being examined," said Argo. "We will check the 4 prison guards," he continued.

On the previous occasion, the Director of General Crimes of the Indonesian National Police Bareskrim Brigadier General Andi Rian Djajadi said that the other witnesses being examined were prisoners. An investigation was carried out to find out the full extent of the abuse.

"There are also 3 witnesses from detention. We plan to examine 7 witnesses," said Andi.

The following is the contents of Inspector General Napoleon's open letter which was confirmed by one of his attorneys, Princess Maya Rumanti, quoted from Liputan6.com.

Open Letter

My compatriots and countrymen. Actually I want to speak directly with all of you, but at this time I can't do it.

Regarding the confusion of information about the persecution of KACE, I can explain as follows:

1.Alhamdulillah YRA .., that I was born as a Muslim and raised in the observance of the Islamic religion which is RAHMATAN LIL 'ALAMIN

2. Anyone can insult me, but NOT against my ALLAH, the Qur'an, Rasulullah SAW and my Islamic faith. Therefore, I swear that I will take any measured action against anyone who dares to do so.

3. In addition, the actions of KACE and certain people have VERY DANGEROUS the unity, integrity and harmony of religious communities in Indonesia.

4. I deeply regret that until now the GOVERNMENT has not removed ALL the content in the media, which has been created and published by these uncivilized humans.

5. Finally, I will be responsible for all my actions against KACE .. whatever the risk.

May we all always be in the protection of ALLAH SWT, and live in harmony as the founders of our nation have imitated.

Jakarta, September 2021 Best regards and best regards

H. NAPOLEON BONAPARTE alias NAPO BATARA Inspector General of Police.

For this persecution, Muhammad Kece took legal action by reporting Inspector General Napoleon Bonaparte on suspicion of persecution. The report is registered with the number LP: 0510/VIII/2021/Bareskrim, dated August 26, 2021.

Not only beating, Napoleon was also known to smear human feces on M. Kece's face. Currently, the case is in the investigation stage.

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