JAKARTA - On social media, there is a lot of discussion about a video showing a group of students in a room waiting for their turn for vaccination. There was music in the room and the students sat with their ears covered. There is no detailed explanation of where the incident took place and where the students came from.

"Masha Allah, our students are queuing for vaccines... Qodratullah, music is playing at the vaccine area, you can see if our students are covering their ears so they don't listen to this music," the video recorder's voice said.

A number of parties commented on the principles and beliefs of the students, including Deddy Corbuzier. Deddy's comments were tucked away in Diaz Hendropriyono's upload, who also uploaded a viral video of the students being compared to people in robes dancing to the sound of music.

"Meanwhile... Pity, since childhood has been given the wrong education. There is nothing wrong with having a little fun," Diaz wrote on her Instagram account.

Deddy pinned a comment, "Maybe they are using airpods. It's annoying... Right."

Diaz then replied, "Pinteeeerrrr," with an applause emoticon.

Yenny Wahid, daughter of the fourth President of the Republic of Indonesia who is also the former chairman of the Nahdlatul Ulama Executive Board Abdurrahman Wahid alias Gus Dur, responded to Diaz's upload. He asked people not to label them as radical as students who cover their ears when they hear music.

"Let's be more proportional in judging other people. Let's not easily label someone as radical, someone as infidel, etc.," he said on the Instagram account @yennywahid.

"Putting labels on other people will only divide society. Let's learn to understand each other better, and that can start by understanding and accepting that our values do not need to be the same in order to remain united as an Indonesian nation. sister ma'had tahfidz, keep up the spirit in the effort to memorize the Koran. May Allah SWT give abundant blessings to all of you, "he wrote.

Yenny said there were two notes about the video. First, he was happy because the teacher from this santri invited vaccination, which means this has the aim of protecting himself from the threat of COVID-19.

"Two, memorizing the Quran is not an easy job. My good friend, Gus Fatir from the @ponpespi_alkenaniyah pesantren, has learned to memorize the Quran since he was 5 years old. This child is prioritized by the teacher to focus on memorizing the Quran and asked not to listen to music, that is not an indicator that they are radical," he said.

Before Deddy and Diaz, social media users with 1.1 million followers, Denny Siregar was not absent from narrating his cynicism. On his Instagram account, he uploaded a similar video and captioned, "If I were the officer, I'd immediately set them on Metallica. 'Exit light.. enter nightttt!'"

Meanwhile, the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) has also confirmed the attitude of the students as normal. So it's not a picture of radicalism as many people have accused it of.

"This santri child is indeed properly guarded by memorizing the Koran. Do not listen to things that can interfere with memorizing concentration. One of them is music. Sounds, yes, not only music," said Deputy Secretary General of MUI M Ziyad.

Gadjah Mada University sociologist Suprapto also highlighted the intolerance shown by Deddy, Diaz, Denny, and Eko. It is nothing. All of these public figures are parties who often speak out about tolerance and diversity. But in fact they do not really understand what tolerance is. They should learn from the students.

"If we understand each other, give function, human life can be very comfortable. But not everyone wants or can take and give. We take something, flatten something from others, but we should also be able to 'give' meaning to give meaning or understand what we do other people as long as they don't disturb us," said Suprapto, contacted by VOI, Tuesday, September 14.

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