PONTIANAK - The West Kalimantan PDI Perjuangan (PDIP) West Kalimantan (PDIP) PDI-P has police the accounts of spreading fake news stating Megawati Soekarnoputri has died to the West Kalimantan Police.

"We together with the DPD and all members of the faction today reported news, either on social media or otherwise, about a statement or news that said the PDI-P General Chairwoman Megawati had died and some said she was seriously ill," said Head of the PDIP Faction at the West Kalimantan DPRD, Minsen, as quoted by Antara. , Wednesday, September 15th.

Minsen assessed that the spread of fake news by these accounts hurt the hearts of PDI-P cadres and the Indonesian people. In addition, he also referred to this action as an act that humiliated the fifth President of the Republic of Indonesia.

"We PDI-P cadres strongly object to the news, and the fake news has a tremendous impact on PDI-P cadres and the Indonesian people as a whole. We don't want this to cause ongoing social unrest," he said.

Meanwhile, Secretary of the Legal Aid and People's Advocacy Agency (BBHAR) of the West Kalimantan PDI-P, Glorio Sanen, stated that his party had officially reported four accounts spreading false news about the PDI-P general chairman.

In addition, there is also a video on the YouTube channel that has been downloaded which was also reported.

"Today the official reporting is the Legal Aid and People's Advocacy Agency (BBHAR) DPD PDI Perjuangan West Kalimantan Province. Based on the findings of the evidence that we attach to this complaint and report, at least we have found four reported accounts, then there is also a video on YouTube channel that we downloaded but we lost the account that uploaded it," he said.

After this report is made, said Sanen, it is possible that the number of accounts spreading hoax news related to Megawati will increase, because his party has asked the Cyber Team of the West Kalimantan Police to trace the existence of accounts that also spread similar news.

He hopes that the police can thoroughly investigate this case, because it has caused a commotion in the community.

"Mrs. Megawati Soekarnoputri, apart from being the General Chair of the PDI-P, is also the Fifth President of the Republic of Indonesia. Of course, the president as a symbol of the head of state and head of government must be respected and we must maintain his authority. This news has created anxiety and chaos in the community," he said.

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