CIANJUR - The Cianjur Regency Government, West Java, has appealed to the management of tourist attractions to continue to apply a ban on children under 12 years old from entering tourist areas. This prohibition is in accordance with the provisions of the Ministry of Home Affairs.

The Acting Head of the Cianjur Youth and Sports Tourism Office (Disparpora), Pratama Nugraha said, according to the Ministry of Home Affairs related to regional regulations with the implementation of PPKM level 2, it is still closed to children under 12 years old.

"We will continue to comply with the regulation and ask the tourist site managers to implement it. However, we will seek relaxation regarding the regulation because the number of visits has not increased," he said when contacted by Antara, Tuesday, September 14.

The reason is, most tourists come with their families to Cianjur, including children, so that waivers will be proposed on the grounds that the number of visits is not high and does not cause crowds.

However, as an effort to anticipate that children under the age of 12 are prone to infection because they have not been able to get vaccinated, his party asked the management to tighten the implementation of health procedures, including urging tourists to avoid crowds.

"Of course with various conditions, so that there is health insurance and does not cause children under 12 years of age to be infected with dangerous viruses. But for now, we urge managers to obey the rules," he said.

While entering the third week of implementing PPKM level 2, most tourist attractions in Cianjur have reopened with strict rules.

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