JAKARTA - Executive Director of the Indonesian Public Institute (IPI) Karyono Wibowo, assesses that Solo Mayor Gibran Rakabuming Raka has a great opportunity to run in the 2024 DKI Jakarta Pilkada.
However, it was not DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan as the incumbent who became Gibran's strong rival in winning the DKI 1 seat. Instead, it was his PDIP party partner who was Gibran's most difficult competitor, namely the Minister of Social Affairs, Tri Rismaharini.
"It is also possible that PDIP will carry Tri Rismaharini who is more worthy because it is easier to sell, his electability is also quite high in DKI Jakarta. He has not been chosen as a cagub but in the survey his name skyrocketed, because he has a legacy of leading the city of Surabaya for 2 periods and was successful, successful, making progress," Karyono told VOI, Tuesday, September 14. In addition, according to him, the statement by the chairman of the PDI-P DPP Djarot Saiful Hidayat who suggested that Gibran should focus on his assignment in Solo indicates that the bull party is not willing to bring President Jokowi's eldest son to DKI. "That's part of the signal, first focus on the city of Solo, make achievements like his father, after having good achievements and legacy then move up to a higher class," said Karyono. However, Karyono assesses that there is still a possibility that PDIP will not carry Risma. If, Gibran is chosen by the party to contest in the DKI Pilkada. "But then if Gibran goes forward, Risma also doesn't seem to advance because he is the same from PDIP," he said.
Apart from Risma as Gibran's opponent, Karyono said there were several other potential names. Namely, DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan and Deputy Governor Ahmad Riza Patria.
"The potential one is Anies Baswedan, Risma is the one who strengthens, then a gibran appears. In addition, Riza Patria also has the potential to run in the upcoming DKI gubernatorial election. Those names are popular," he explained.
Meanwhile, Minister of Education and Culture, Research and Technology, Nadiem Makarim, who was said to be compatible with Gibran, said Karyono had no potential.
"I don't think so, not yet, Nadiem is already a minister. Maybe it's part of the imagery efforts being carried out, including Gibran's meetings with prominent figures being capitalized to increase popularity, but not necessarily going forward," he said.
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