BOGOR - The Bogor City Transportation Service has banned online motorcycle taxis from hanging out in six areas along the one-way system route, namely Jalan Pajajaran, Otista, Juanda, Jalak Harupat, Captain Muslihat, and Jalan Paledang.

Head of the Transportation Division of the Bogor City Transportation Service, RA Mulyadi, said that online motorcycle taxis (ojol) were prohibited from staying at six locations designated as Online Ojek Free Zones. This is in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Transportation Number 12 of 2019 concerning the Protection of the Safety of Motorcycle Users Used for the Interest of the Community.

The regulation, he said, regulates regularity for drivers and applicators in providing services to passengers, one of which is that drivers are prohibited from hanging out in any place.

Then, based on the Bogor City Regional Regulation Number 1 of 2021 concerning the Implementation of Public Order and Public Peace and Community Protection (Perda Trantibum).

Another rule, he said, is the Bogor Mayor's Decree Number 665/KEP.445-DISHUB/2021 concerning the Establishment of a Controlling Team for Two-Wheel Vehicles Using Information Technology-Based Applications in Bogor City.

According to Mulyadi, based on a number of rules that form the legal basis, the Bogor City Transportation Service invites the Bogor City Satpol PP as well as members of the Police and TNI to socialize the Online Ojek Free Zone in Bogor City, starting Monday, September 13.

"Online motorcycle taxi drivers are prohibited from staying at the six locations, except for the purpose of dropping off or picking up passengers," he said, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, September 14. and reprimanded online motorcycle taxi drivers who hang out.

Based on the regulations in the Perda Trantibum, he said, the sanctions ranged from verbal warnings, written warnings, administrative fines, and/or social sanctions.

The Bogor City Transportation Service will also provide information to online motorcycle taxi managers about drivers who violate the law to be given sanctions in accordance with company regulations.

Meanwhile, for supervision, officers from the Transportation Service, together with members and joint officers, will carry out routine patrols.

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