JAKARTA - The staff of the Minister of State Secretary, Faldo Maldini, said that President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) had not sent a presidential letter regarding the name of the candidate for TNI Commander in Chief to replace Hadi Tjahjanto.

"Until now, the president's letter regarding the implementation of the fit and proper test has not yet been submitted to the House of Representatives", said Faldo in Jakarta, Monday, September 13.

However, Faldo ensured that President Jokowi would immediately send it to the House of Representatives soon. Because Hadi will enter retirement in early November.

"So just be patient, it will definitely be sent soon. What is clear, the position of commander can't be vacant when Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto enters retirement", he said.

Faldo said President Jokowi needed time to find the best commander in chief. The reason is, it is hoped that the new TNI Commander will be the best figure from various aspects.

"Because this is not only a matter of personal qualifications, but the current TNI Commander also has a series of serious challenges. How to work hand in hand with the people to get through the pandemic, personnel development both in terms of human resource quality or career development, defense equipment development and harmonization of governance in three dimensions", he explained.

"Therefore, the remaining time is really used to find the best figure. This is very decisive. We'll just have to wait", added Faldo.

Previously, the Chairman of Commission I of the House of Representatives, Meutya Hafid, revealed that his party was still waiting for a letter from President Joko Widodo regarding the name of the candidate for the TNI Commander in Chief to replace Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto. It is known that Marshal Hadi will retire in November.

"No letter yet", said Meutya at the House of Representatives building, Monday, September 13.

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