MATARAM - The West Nusa Tenggara Regional Police found indications of corruption in the project for the procurement of teaching learning aids (ABBM) at the Mataram Health Polytechnic for the 2016 fiscal year.

Dirreskrimsus Polda NTB Kombes I Gusti Putu Gede Ekawana said indications of corruption have the potential to cause state losses.

"So, we have found the unlawful act," said Ekawana in Mataram, as reported by Antara, Monday, September 13.

Indications of corruption were found based on the results of the investigation, both from clarifying witnesses and confiscation of documents.

However, the element of this unlawful act is not yet strong enough to ensure that the party will be held responsible.

Related to this, Ekawana said that his party is now waiting for supporting evidence from experts in calculating state losses. The request for an investigative audit was requested by a police investigator to the NTB Representative Office of the BPKP.

"When the audit is out, we will hold it and only then can we determine the continuation of the status of the case handling," he said.

Regarding the loss released by the Inspectorate General of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia worth Rp. 4 billion, Ekawana again reminded that it was still general in nature because it did not only arise from the Mataram Poltekkes.

"This value is also included in the findings of the Banda Aceh Health Polytechnic and also Tasikmalaya," he said. The ABBM procurement was sourced from the APBN which was channeled through the Indonesian Ministry of Health in 2017 with a budget of Rp. 27 billion and again revised to Rp. 19 billion.

Purchase of ABBM items is done through e-catalog. However, there were also directly through the tender system and won by seven tool item providers and 11 distributors.

One of the items purchased was a mannequin. This tool is used to support practice in nursing, midwifery, nutrition, and health analyst departments.

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