JAKARTA - Last week, news spread about PDIP General Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri being treated at the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of Pertamina Central Hospital. The news was circulating on social media, especially Twitter, on Wednesday, September 8.

The day after the news emerged, the PDIP elite denied it. PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto said Megawati was in good health, Megawati even gave directions on political conditions and the handling of COVID-19 in Indonesia.

Hasto's rebuttal did not make the virtual world believe it. Many netizens have asked for Megawati's appearance to the public to ensure that she is in good health.

The answer came the next day. Friday, September 10, Megawati appeared to the public at the virtual PDIP Intermediate Cadre Education Training of Trainer (TOT) event.

At the event, Megawati was seen wearing a red shirt and seemed as cheerful as presenting the material. She also declared herself healthy.

"Mr. Secretary General said, 'Ma'am, this opening ceremony is open to the public', so that the public can also see that Alhamdulillah, I am in good health and I am not lacking anything," Megawati said at the time.

While speaking at the event, there was a tone of holding back tears from Megawati as she thanked for the attention and prayers amid the news that she was being treated at the RSPP ICU.

"Well, how come, I myself thought why there were people. This morning I got a picture, there was one of my ministers who asked my secretary to say 'don't cover it up. I got this from a friend like someone lying down in the hospital but the face is covered'," she explained.

PDI-P General Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri is in excellent condition (Photo PDIP doc)

Megawati then told her closest people to calmly respond to the issue. Because, she said, after all, humans are "owned" (by God).

"I said to my secretary, 'You don't have to be angry, just let it be. We are owned by God, just leave it to God. They themselves may forget that they can make a hoax, which leads to what I think is excessive, human beings to forget that God owns them," said Mega.

"Mr. Hasto also came after it was circulated, until he was crying. 'I said why do you have to cry, people know that it's not true. You meet me yourself," she continued.

Megawati said that Hasto was irritated by the news circulating. However, she reminded that the most important thing is that the PDIP cadres remain solid in repelling false news.

"Mr. Hasto said 'I'm really annoyed, ma'am'. Yes, don't be annoyed. Let's just say that there are people who like us and those who don't like us. So Alhamdulillah, all of you cadres, party officials, sympathizers must remain firm and solid. There is nothing that can attack something like that," explained Mega.

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