JAKARTA - The addition of positive cases of COVID-19 continues to increase every day. Based on data as of July 8, 1,853 people were declared infected with the SARS-COV-2 virus. However, most of the positive cases were people without pain.
Government spokesman for the handling of COVID-19 Achmad Yurianto (Yuri) said those who do not feel pain and are positive need to carry out independent isolation. With a note, must follow strict health protocols.
"Most of the cases we get are people with minimal or very few symptoms so they don't feel pain and there is no indication to be isolated in the hospital," Yuri said at Graha BNPB, Jakarta, Wednesday, July 8.
Even though they are only asked to carry out independent isolation, it does not mean that they can do their activities carelessly. Because, when they are negligent in implementing self-isolation, it will have an impact on others, including family members who are potentially infected.
"We ask them to carry out isolation independently by strictly adhering to the guidelines for implementing self-isolation at home so as not to become a new source of infection in the community," said Yuri.
Yuri added that the increase in positive cases is proof that the spread of COVID-19 is still happening. This, said Yuri, was caused by people with the virus being around the community. Also, many people do not apply health protocols properly.
"People using masks only cover their mouths, this is the most part so that it does not provide any protection against the possibility of a virus entering," Yuri concluded.
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