JAKARTA - Soebagdja Salim, son of the late comedian Nurul Qomar, said his own father asked to be buried next to the graves of his parents in the Medang area, Banten.

"Yes, so Abah Komar asked himself to be buried here. Beside his mother and father," said Soebagdja Salim in the Medang area, Banten, Thursday, January 9.

Salim said that his father had long ordered a grave next to his parents since he was alive.

"And it turns out that when I contacted the tomb TPU management here, it turned out that Abah had spoken directly to him. Leave a message. Leave a message, please prepare it (the grave)," said Salim.

The family was shocked by this because it could be in line with the family agreement to bury Abah Qomar, his nickname there.

"And yes, we are also a bit shocked, because Abah didn't say that to us. But he told the TPU management, but yes, the connection was what we felt it was Abah's wish," he said.

Previously, Salim explained that his father died from colon cancer that his father had suffered for a long time.

Even though he had undergone treatment at the hospital, Abah Qomar's condition decreased due to complications until he was finally declared dead.

"This implication caused Abah to slowly become weak, weaker and finally breathed her last yesterday, January 8 at 17.21 in Tangerang," he said.

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