The action of two motorbike theft perpetrators was caught on CCTV cameras on Jalan Utan Kayu Raya, Matraman District, East Jakarta, Thursday, January 9, 2025.

The perpetrator took out a weapon because his actions were caught by local residents.

"It was an attempted theft," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Matraman Police, AKP M Zen when confirmed by VOI.

The incident began when two motorbikes of the perpetrators rode to a parking lot in front of the shop. The perpetrator tried to steal the motorbike but failed because he was caught by the residents.

"So this is it, there are two motorbikes riding. Then they got caught. So they didn't have time to take it. They just wanted to take the motorbike. They were shouted at. Run for the motorbike," he said.

However, when they tried to be chased by residents, the perpetrator took out a firearm-like object.

"He is suspected of having a gun. But it's not clear, the witness doesn't know. There were no victims," he said.

However, the Matraman Police Criminal Investigation Unit has conducted a crime scene (TKP).

"We checked the crime scene earlier, at 2 pm it happened. The victim went. We didn't have any victims there. There was no report," he concluded.

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