JAKARTA - The son of the late Nurul Qomar, Soebagdja Salim said that his father's aspirations had not been achieved, one of which was establishing a Sundanese school.

"There are many (wants that have not been achieved) because abah has many dreams, has many dreams, but the ones that are repeated are willing to make a Sundanese school," said Soebagdja Salim in the Medang area, Banten, Thursday, January 9.

Salim explained that later at the school Abah Qomar, his nickname planned to hold a free school.

"Abah wants to make a free school for people to study Sundanese art because she really likes it there," he continued.

The late Abang Qomar intends to preserve Sundanese cultural values to the younger generation. As a child, Salim will try to continue his father's wish.

However, Salim realized that the six children of Abah Qomar still had to deepen the values of the Sundanese.

"But actually it's not art but Sundanese values. Well, we may need to study it again for their children because of the arts, we know, but we need to deepen the values of the sunda," he said.

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