JAKARTA – Two karaoke entertainment venues in different locations were sealed by the Directorate of Drug Investigation of the Polda Metro Jaya, for violating the PPKM level 3 rules. The sealing action was carried out based on public reports regarding karaoke activities in two locations, Bekasi and South Jakarta areas.

"For karaoke, we did the sealing because it violated the PPKM level three rules," said Deputy Director of Narcotics Investigation of the Metro Jaya Police AKBP Suhermanto in Jakarta, Sunday.

The first locations visited by officers were The Rome Executive Karaoke and Lounge in Bekasi City and Moonshine Dine and Lounge in Setiabudi, South Jakarta.

During an inspection at The Rome, officers also conducted urine tests on 15 people who were at the location and one person was detected positive for taking drugs.

"After we did a urine check, one of the guests was positive and now we have secured him in the office," he said.

Meanwhile, during the inspection at Moonshine, the officers found that there were more than 100 visitors who were then randomly tested for urine and no visitors were found to be positive for using drugs.

However, officers found there was a visitor who brought a sedative.

The visitor in question was also taken to the Polda Metro Jaya to be checked for the validity of the drugs he was carrying.

"One brought a sedative. Currently, it is still being investigated whether the drug was licensed by a doctor or not. We have secured the person at the office," said Suhermanto.

The Polda Metro Jaya then dispersed visitors at the two karaoke venues and installed police lines at the two entertainment venues.

Suhermanto further said that the police would also coordinate with the DKI Jakarta Satpol PP and Bekasi City for further processing.

"After this incident, we will give a letter to the Satpol PP to follow up on the findings that we made during tonight's operation," he explained.

The police will then summon the management of the entertainment venue for questioning for alleged violations of Law Number 4 of 1984 concerning Disease Outbreaks.

"For further action, we will submit it to the criminal investigator for general criminal cases," he concluded.

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