JAKARTA - Head of the City Parks and Forest Service, Suzi Marsitawati, said that her party was preparing a scenario for opening green open spaces (RTH) or parks in the capital city during the PPKM Level 3.

"Indeed, we are still making scenarios so that whether green open space can be opened or not," said Suzi at DKI City Hall, Central Jakarta, Friday, September 10.

Suzi said that visitors who will enter the park must have a vaccination certificate shown through the PeduliLindung or JAKI application by scanning a QR code.

"Those who want to enter the park later, if they are opened, must have been vaccinated. There will be a QR scan," said Suzi.

However, Suzi admitted that currently the DKI Provincial Government has not found a visitor screening mechanism using the vaccination certificate.

Because, access to the park is open from various sides. This is different from access to malls, shopping centers, restaurants, to tourist attractions that have controlled access.

"RTH does not yet have a scanning system like PeduliLindungi. RTH has many doors. This means that everyone can enter. So, it is not connected yet," he said.

Therefore, currently the DKI Provincial Government is still formulating the scenario for the opening of the park while observing the progress of the PPKM assessment in Jakarta.

"We'll see developments continue. PPKM should not be allowed to go up and down again. We'll see the progress first," he concluded.

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