MEDAN - North Sumatra Governor, Edy Rahmayadi, said the data on COVID-19 in 4 districts/cities in North Sumatra was still chaotic.

The regencies/cities whose data are still problematic are Medan City, Sibolga, Pematangsiantar and Mandailing Natal (Madina) Regency.

"We (there are) 4 regencies/cities that are in chaos. Medan, Sibolga, Madina and Siantar are in chaos. The others are not chaotic, but there are still disputes, but the limit is still below so it doesn't increase", said Governor Edy, Friday, September 10.

It is very overwhelmed by synchronizing data on COVID-19. Because the data in each district/city is still not neat.

As a result, North Sumatra is still in the second position with the most COVID-19 cases in Indonesia.

"I'm so tired, until last night I talked about data. This data can't be used twice, we now use digital data. He reports based on password numbers and the basis is NIK (Identity Card)", he said.

Governor Edy explained that the COVID-19 data collection should be digital-based but there are still errors. He gave an example in Mandailing Natal Regency, where the mother-in-law and sister of the regent's wife were recorded as dead patients. Yet both of them are still alive.

"When we cross-checked, this person is still alive, so who is it that caused the death. Likewise with the data on 76 people in Madina who died in one week, after being seen there by the Task Force, even though only 6 people died in one week That's why it is included in PPKM (Community Activity Restrictions) Level 4", he said.

Governor Edy explained that the digitization system in data collection was very helpful and real by identity data. But the problem that arises is if the operator or operator is not technology savvy, which results in swelling of the COVID-19 data.

"We are in good condition, why suddenly there are 400 positive cases now? If I examine this because of double-doubles. Again, this is because we are not very good at technology, or maybe because our areas have signals that appear and sink, " he said.

Governor Edy hopes that the process of recording COVID-19 data in North Sumatra will no longer be wrong and will not be chaotic again. He believes that if the data is not problematic, the number of confirmed COVID-19 patients in North Sumatra will not swell.

"This is what we are evaluating. Later the Head of Health will be. The governor is the best, there is no need. The subordinates first, later if you can't, the governor's new subordinates. It will get worse because I don't understand either", he concluded.

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