JAKARTA - The Public Relations Division Team of the Indonesian Police kept in touch while providing enlightenment, prevention of radicalism and terrorism to students and administrators of the Roudlatul Qur'an 1 Islamic Boarding School, Tamaddun Campus in Metro, Lampung.

Attending the gathering were the Head of Public Relations of the Lampung Police, Kombes Zahwani P Arsyad, the Metro Police Chief, AKBP Yuni Iswandari Yuyun as well as caregivers and students of Islamic boarding schools.

The head of the Roudlatul Qur'an 1 Islamic Boarding School Foundation, Tamaddun Campus, Gus Yahya, welcomed the arrival of this member of the National Police.

"Let's fight radicalism together, terrorism is our common enemy. May Allah always provide protection to the people of the nation and state," said Head of the Banops Subsatgas Team for the Public Relations Division of the Indonesian Police, Kombes Hendra Rochmawan at the location, Antara, Thursday, September 9.

The team also presented a resource person from the Daily Executive of the Central MUI Countering Extremism and Terrorism Agency, Muhammad Makmun Rasyid, to deliver presentation material on counter-radicals.

In his presentation, Rasyid said, terrorism is an act of crime against humanity and civilization that poses a serious threat to state sovereignty, is a danger to the security of world peace and is detrimental to the welfare of the community, this is in accordance with the MUI fatwa No. 3/2004.

"Terrorism is a form of crime that is well-organized, transnational in nature and classified as an extraordinary crime that does not discriminate against targets, is indiscriminate," he said.

Counter-radical terrorist activities simultaneously and effectively must be carried out by the entire government and society.

"There is no term scapegoating the police-army as a structurally responsible body for the state. The public needs to be involved and involved as mandated by the 1945 Constitution to protect the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia," he said.

Terrorism is not justified in any form, the law of carrying out terror is unlawful, either by individuals, groups, or the state.

"Therefore, I invite all stakeholders to be truly consistent in embodying the values of Pancasila in all policies and not to be used by transnational groups or those affiliated with radical terrorist movements," he said.

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