JAKARTA - Commission IV of the Indonesian Parliament continues to harass the Ministry of Agriculture regarding necklaces or products made from eucalyptus or eucalyptus which are claimed to prevent COVID-19. After continuing to be scanned, the Ministry of Agriculture explained that this necklace could only prevent the corona virus, not COVID-19.

In a working meeting between the Ministry of Agriculture and Commission IV of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Head of the Center for Veterinary Research of the Ministry of Agriculture Ni Luh Putu Indi Dharmayanti said that testing of this product was carried out not on the virus that causes COVID-19 but on another corona virus whose model is already owned by the laboratory.

"It's a bit difficult to adapt the COVID-19 virus to be grown in our cell culture. So we try to do our in vitro study or research using the corona virus model that we have. Assuming that all the corona viruses are bindings of antiviral products," said Indi during the meeting. at the DPR RI Parliament Building, Tuesday, July 7.

Apart from testing it with their corona virus model, testing was also carried out on the H5N1 virus.

"We know H5N1 is still endemic, still a threat, and we do that. Then the research proves that it turns out that eucalyptus is able to kill 80 percent to 100 percent of the viruses we use depending on the concentration, we make the lowest to the highest," he explained.

He also claims, the toxicity test of this discovery has been carried out. After knowing the benefits, the Ministry of Agriculture decided to develop eucalyptus herbal-based products. As a result, there were several products, namely balms, roll on, aromatherapy, and necklaces that recently shocked the public.

"So it's just a user reference choice, not a talisman. It's just for eyecatching for the necklace," he said with a smile.

Not satisfied with Indi's answer, the Chairman of Commission IV DPR RI Sudin questioned the efficacy of the necklace which was used during this meeting by the Minister of Agriculture Syahrul Yasin Limpo and his staff.

"In short I want to ask, what the Minister of Agriculture uses can kill the virus?" Sudin asked after hearing Indi's explanation regarding the necklace which turned out to be only able to prevent exposure to the corona virus, not COVID-19.

"Look, I said earlier that the corona virus that was used was not the current coronavirus that was infected, right? Does that mean it's different?" he added.

Indi answered that this discovery was not final and would be further tested so that the necklace and four variants of the eucalyptus product made by the Ministry of Agriculture could be scientifically proven.

Hearing this answer, Sudin then said that the eucalyptus product which was claimed to be able to prevent COVID-19 was not perfect. "I understand this means it is not yet perfect, it is still in the testing phase," he said.

Furthermore, he reminded, the Ministry of Agriculture does not publish this product too often. Moreover, the testing is still not optimal.

"So don't let everyone use this, 'ah, I want to take a trip to Wisma Athlete, what do I want to see if people have coronavirus. I didn't hit it, I've used this.' This is the understanding. My advice, don't be too publicized until it's really true. really cooked, "he concluded.

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