MEDAN - The case of the illegal sale of Sinovac vaccines involving two doctors with ASN status and a private party was tried in the Medan District Court.

The three defendants, namely Dr. Kristinus Sagala, who is an ASN doctor at the North Sumatra Provincial Health Office, Dr. Indra Wirawan is an ASN (State Civil Servant) doctor at the Tanjung Gusta and Selviwaty Detention, a private party.

In a virtual trial, Public Prosecutor, Robertson Pakpahan, explained that the defendants Dr. Kristinus and Dr. Indra Wirawan were charged with violating Article 12 letter a or both Article 12 letter b, then the third article Article 5 paragraph (2) and Article 11 of the Law. - Law on the Eradication of Corruption Crimes jo Article 64 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code.

Meanwhile, the defendant Selviwaty, as the coordinator in charge of coordinating the community to be vaccinated, was charged with violating Article 5 paragraph (1) letters a and or b and or Article 13 of the Corruption Eradication Law.

After the trial, Public Prosecutor Robertson Pakpahan explained that this case began when the defendant Selviwaty contacted Kristinus Sagala asking that his colleagues be vaccinated.

"Initially, the defendant Kristinus refused, then because it was agreed that there was a cash payment of IDR 250,000 per vaccine for each person, Dr. Kristinus was willing to inject the Sinovac type of vaccination", said Robertson.

Because the stock of vaccines owned by the defendant Kristinus at the Health Service was not sufficient, he suggested that the defendant Selviwaty contact the defendant, Dr. Indra Wirawan, who served as a doctor at the Tanjung Gusta Detention Center.

"And from there it was agreed to stay at IDR 250 thousand for a vaccine. Of the IDR 250 thousand, IDR 220 thousand was for doctor Indra, the rest was for the defendant Selviwaty", explained Robertson.

"The vaccines were obtained by the defendants from the rest of the detention center and some were obtained from the provincial Health Service", he continued.

From the sale of the vaccine, the three defendants, said Robertson, received varying profits. For doctor Kristinus Sagala, he received IDR 142,750,000 from 570 people. Meanwhile, Selviwaty received IDR 11 million.

"Dr. Indra received IDR 134,130,000 from 1,050 people. Selviwaty received IDR 25 million", he explained.

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