BANYUWANGI - The discovery of a human skeleton covered in cloth in the protected forest of Perhutani, West Banyuwangi, had shocked residents. The skeleton can only be evacuated after 5 days ago reported.

Police said there were no signs of violence or abuse against the victim. The conclusion was conveyed after the identification of the police and health workers at the Blambangan Hospital.

"There were no signs of violence on the victim's body and bones. Only the legs had marks from a blunt object impact, suspected to have been hit by a fallen tree," said Banyuwangi Police Criminal Investigation Unit Head AKP Mustijat Priyambodo, Tuesday, September 7.

He said the victim was thought to have died more than 6 months ago. It is strongly suspected that the victim died due to hypothermia (cold) or a congenital disease suffered.

"It is possible that the victim got lost in the forest and eventually died of hunger or cold," said AKP Mustijat.

Currently, the skeleton of the victim is still in the morgue of the Blambangan Hospital. Officers are waiting for reports of residents who have lost their family members.

"According to the SOP, our bodies will be stored in the morgue for 3 days. If there is no family of the victim, the hospital will bury it," said AKP Mustijat.

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